Sunday, June 14, 2009

Who is that BIG girl???

Mia has really started doing some big girl things lately! TOO FAST! She is able to sit in her highchair now, she tried out her Bumbo chair and is close to being able to sit in it and she went swimming and sat in her float. She is not quite ready to sit in the float by herself, but she is close!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mia's 2 month well visit

Yesterday Mia had her 2 month well visit and shots. Dr. Boren said that she was healthy and has a great disposition! We liked that!! She is now 11 lbs. which is in the 50 percentile in weight and she is 23 inches long - that is the 75 percentile in height!!! Crazy for a girl who was under-weight and "petite" just a month a go! He said her weight for her height was perfect. SO, we had a wonderful visit. The 6 shots that Mia got did make her fussy and she ran a low fever last night and today, but she seems to be feeling much better after resting this morning. She is growing so fast!

Mia's 1st swim - attempt

We attempted to go swimming today. I stuck my foot in the pool around 1:00 today and it seemed to be a great temp. So, I went in and got Mia in a swimsuit and took her out. When I sat on the step I realized that the water wasn't as warm as I had thought. So we sat on the side of the pool and put our toes in. Mia didn't really like it when I stuck her feet in. We have really not had many hot days yet, but I know that they are coming soon and we will be trying again real soon!